< PreviousHEALTH AND SAFETY Clemson University has taken enhanced health and safety measures to curb the spread of COVID-19. Please follow all posted instructions while visiting Clemson’s campus. There is an inherent risk of exposure to There is an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 in any public place where other people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control, persons 65 years of age and older and persons with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. By visiting Clemson’s campus you By visiting Clemson’s campus you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19. 2 0 2 0 C L E M S O N FO OT BA L L Lo r e m I p s u m STADIUM MAP NORTH SOUTH WEST EASTIPII'' IPTAY PARKING IPTAY parking assignments based on seating location inside stadium. "SOCIAL DISTANCE" PARKING Space assignments will skip spaces & rows will alternate (no vehicles side-by-side or nose-to-nose) TAILGATING Tailgating strongly discouraged. No tents, large groups or trailers will be allowed. LOTS Lots open 3 hours prior to kickoff. Prompt closings postgame. RESTROOMS SANITIZING STATIONS LITTLEJOHN COLISEUM Limited number of portable restrooms and restroom trailers. Hand sanitizing stations available in the parking lots near portable restroom clusters. t:i:\ \!!I Littlejohn Coliseum opens same time as lots. Restrooms available inside. Closed postgame. IPII'' IPTAY PARKING IPTAY parking assignments based on seating location inside stadium. "SOCIAL DISTANCE" PARKING Space assignments will skip spaces & rows will alternate (no vehicles side-by-side or nose-to-nose) TAILGATING Tailgating strongly discouraged. No tents, large groups or trailers will be allowed. LOTS Lots open 3 hours prior to kickoff. Prompt closings postgame. RESTROOMS SANITIZING STATIONS LITTLEJOHN COLISEUM Limited number of portable restrooms and restroom trailers. Hand sanitizing stations available in the parking lots near portable restroom clusters. CLICK LEARN Littlejohn Coliseum opens same time as lots. Restrooms available inside. Closed postgame. 2020 6 MH PBX 5 3J ML1 3A ML2 3 1 2 NL 2A 3E HL 8 HH2 FS 10 BC BC RVNL FIKE H CBX SGA CEMET 7 20 19 21 22 J SBR-GC HH1 SPB LH HX CD FH FH 23 11 HR MDA C1 HAP WL EL BH EH TRANSIT HUB D CD SH GH BUS CB CBL 9 E 15 ML1 BND KH STI EB MP AOC HAP HAP 16 CD CH LAM CH STI 26 14 25 FC 14 McMillan Rd. McMillan Rd. Ch er ry Rd . Ch err y R d. S.C. Hwy. 93 Walter T. Cox Blvd. S.C. (Hwy. 93) Silas N. Pearman Blvd. (Perimeter Rd.) Sila s N. Pe arm an Blv d. (Pe rim ete r Rd .) Sil as N . Pe arm an B lvd . (P eri m ete r R d.) South Palmett o Blvd. W ill ia m so n R d. Heisman St. Fort Hill St.Fort Hill St. Calhoun Dr. Fe rn ow St . Fe rn ow St . Ca lh ou n D r. Calhoun Dr. Walte r T. Cox Blv d. S.C . (H w y. 93 ) McMilla n Rd. Mc Milla n Rd. Ka pp a St . C he rr y R d. Ze ta Th eta St. W illi am so n R d. S.C . H wy. 76 N ew m an R d. Sil as N. Pea rman Blvd. (Perim eter Rd.) C en te nn ia l B lv d. Sh erm an St . Daniel Dr. Ol d St ad iu m Dr . To C am pb el l G eo lo gy M us eu m To M ad re n Ce nt er To Snow Fam ily Outd oor Fitn ess and Well ness Cent er, Sene ca Cree k Mea dow and New Sprin g Lots To Do wn tow n Ravenel Rd. Co lle ge Av e. Ce nt en ni al Bl vd . Morrison Rd. W illi am so n Rd . Press Rd. Ch er ry R d. S.C . Hwy . 93 S.C . Hw y. 76 Swann Fitness Center Swann Pavilion Burton Gallery Poe Indoor Football Facility SHAW FAMILY LOT ROGERS FAMILY LOT COX FAMILY LOT To Row ing Cen ter Reeves Football Operations Complex FOOTBALL PARKING MAP ON-CAMPUS A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST Restricted Parking Area Parking Reserved Parking Special Permit Parking Paid Parking No Parking Allowed General Public Parking Handicap Accessible Parking Emergency Phone 14 12 TC 25 AOC Avenue of Champions D3 AOCL Avenue of Champions Lot D3 BC Brooks Center J8 BH Byrnes Hall M5 BUS Bus Parking D5 C1 Lot C1 N9 CD Calhoun Drive J3 CEMET Cemetery Hill G5 CB Centennial Blvd E2 CBL Centennial Blvd Lot E2 CBX Centennial Blvd Extension E5 CH Cherry Road M4 D Dillard Lot G4 DELTA Delta D10 EH Earle Hall G6 EB East Beach Drive Lot B3 EL East Library Lot K6 FC Football Complex Lot B6 FS Fernow Street I5 FIKE Fike Lot G2 FH Ft. Hill Street H4 GH Gentry Hall H1 HL Heisman Lot H2 H Heisman Street G2 HH1 Hunter Hall Lot 1 H5 HH2 Hunter Hall Lot 2 H5 HR Human Resource Building F8 HX Hendrix Lot L6 JL Jervey lot C4 KH Kite Hill S5 LAM Lambda St G7 LH Lee Hall H6 1 Lot 1 G2 2 Lot 2 Shaw Family Lot F2 2A Lot 2A F1 3 Lot 3 Littlejohn Coliseum D2 3A Lot 3A C2 3E Lot 3E D1 3J Lot 3J C3 5 Lot 5 Rogers Family Lot D4 6 Lot 6 Cox Family Lot E5 7 Lot 7 F6 8 Lot 8 G5 9 Lot 9 G7 10 Lot 10 F6 11 Lot 11 F8 12 Lot 12 F9 14 Lot 14 A5-7 15 Lot 15 D1 16 Lot 16 04 19 Lot 19 F7 20 Lot 20 G7 21 Lot 21 G8 22 Lot 22 H8 23 Lot 23 K9 25 Lot 25 K2 26 Lot 26 J9 ML1 McFadden Lot 1 C2 ML2 McFadden Lot 2 D2 ME Mell Hall J2 MH Motor Home/RV/Camper Lot B4 MP Motor Pool/Service Dr. G3 NL North Lot E3 PBX Press Box Extension E4 RC Rowing Center A3 RVNL Ravenel Road D2 SGA Shotgun Alley F6 SBR-GC South Box Ramp F4 SPB South Palmetto Blvd H6 STI Strom Thurmond Institute I7-8 SH Sirrine Hall Lot I5 TC Tennis Center H1 WL West Library I5 W Williamson Road G3 HAP Handicap Accessible Parking K4 DELTA RC ME RF BUS ADA Poles SW NW MH 252020 6 MH PBX 5 3J ML1 3A ML2 3 1 2 NL 2A 3E HL 8 HH2 FS 10 BC BC RVNL FIKE H CBX SGA CEMET 7 20 19 21 22 J SBR-GC HH1 SPB LH HX CD FH FH 23 11 HR MDA C1 HAP WL EL BH EH TRANSIT HUB D CD SH GH BUS CB CBL 9 E 15 ML1 BND KH STI EB MP AOC HAP HAP 16 CD CH LAM CH STI 26 14 25 FC 14 McMillan Rd. McMillan Rd. Ch er ry Rd . Ch err y R d. S.C. Hwy. 93 Walter T. Cox Blvd. S.C. (Hwy. 93) Silas N. Pearman Blvd. (Perimeter Rd.) Sila s N. Pe arm an Blv d. (Pe rim ete r Rd .) Sil as N . Pe arm an B lvd . (P eri m ete r R d.) South Palmett o Blvd. W ill ia m so n R d. Heisman St. Fort Hill St.Fort Hill St. Calhoun Dr. Fe rn ow St . Fe rn ow St . Ca lh ou n D r. Calhoun Dr. Walte r T. Cox Blv d. S.C . (H w y. 93 ) McMilla n Rd. Mc Milla n Rd. Ka pp a St . C he rr y R d. Ze ta Th eta St. W illi am so n R d. S.C . H wy. 76 N ew m an R d. Sil as N. Pea rman Blvd. (Perim eter Rd.) C en te nn ia l B lv d. Sh erm an St . Daniel Dr. Ol d St ad iu m Dr . To C am pb el l G eo lo gy M us eu m To M ad re n Ce nt er To Snow Fam ily Outd oor Fitn ess and Well ness Cent er, Sene ca Cree k Mea dow and New Sprin g Lots To Do wn tow n Ravenel Rd. Co lle ge Av e. Ce nt en ni al Bl vd . Morrison Rd. W illi am so n Rd . Press Rd. Ch er ry R d. S.C . Hwy . 93 S.C . Hw y. 76 Swann Fitness Center Swann Pavilion Burton Gallery Poe Indoor Football Facility SHAW FAMILY LOT ROGERS FAMILY LOT COX FAMILY LOT To Row ing Cen ter Reeves Football Operations Complex FOOTBALL PARKING MAP ON-CAMPUS A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST Restricted Parking Area Parking Reserved Parking Special Permit Parking Paid Parking No Parking Allowed General Public Parking Handicap Accessible Parking Emergency Phone 14 12 TC 25 AOC Avenue of Champions D3 AOCL Avenue of Champions Lot D3 BC Brooks Center J8 BH Byrnes Hall M5 BUS Bus Parking D5 C1 Lot C1 N9 CD Calhoun Drive J3 CEMET Cemetery Hill G5 CB Centennial Blvd E2 CBL Centennial Blvd Lot E2 CBX Centennial Blvd Extension E5 CH Cherry Road M4 D Dillard Lot G4 DELTA Delta D10 EH Earle Hall G6 EB East Beach Drive Lot B3 EL East Library Lot K6 FC Football Complex Lot B6 FS Fernow Street I5 FIKE Fike Lot G2 FH Ft. Hill Street H4 GH Gentry Hall H1 HL Heisman Lot H2 H Heisman Street G2 HH1 Hunter Hall Lot 1 H5 HH2 Hunter Hall Lot 2 H5 HR Human Resource Building F8 HX Hendrix Lot L6 JL Jervey lot C4 KH Kite Hill S5 LAM Lambda St G7 LH Lee Hall H6 1 Lot 1 G2 2 Lot 2 Shaw Family Lot F2 2A Lot 2A F1 3 Lot 3 Littlejohn Coliseum D2 3A Lot 3A C2 3E Lot 3E D1 3J Lot 3J C3 5 Lot 5 Rogers Family Lot D4 6 Lot 6 Cox Family Lot E5 7 Lot 7 F6 8 Lot 8 G5 9 Lot 9 G7 10 Lot 10 F6 11 Lot 11 F8 12 Lot 12 F9 14 Lot 14 A5-7 15 Lot 15 D1 16 Lot 16 04 19 Lot 19 F7 20 Lot 20 G7 21 Lot 21 G8 22 Lot 22 H8 23 Lot 23 K9 25 Lot 25 K2 26 Lot 26 J9 ML1 McFadden Lot 1 C2 ML2 McFadden Lot 2 D2 ME Mell Hall J2 MH Motor Home/RV/Camper Lot B4 MP Motor Pool/Service Dr. G3 NL North Lot E3 PBX Press Box Extension E4 RC Rowing Center A3 RVNL Ravenel Road D2 SGA Shotgun Alley F6 SBR-GC South Box Ramp F4 SPB South Palmetto Blvd H6 STI Strom Thurmond Institute I7-8 SH Sirrine Hall Lot I5 TC Tennis Center H1 WL West Library I5 W Williamson Road G3 HAP Handicap Accessible Parking K4 DELTA RC ME RF BUS ADA Poles SW NW MH 25ENTRY LINES Proper line spacing and queuing will be utilized. SURFACES & EQUIPMENT All surfaces and equipment will be wiped down and disinfected throughout the day. EVENT STAFF Stadium event staff will wear face coverings and gloves (where necessary). CLEAR BAG POLICY Clear bag policy is still in effect. Keep phone and keys in pockets for metal detectors. ENTRY TIMES Each ticket holder assigned a block of time to enter the stadium. ENTRY GATES Stadium entry gates designated based on seating location (exception for accessible seating). FACE COVERINGS Face coverings required at entrance gates and inside Memorial Stadium. MOBILE TICKETS All mobile tickets for 2020. Fans should download tickets to their mobile devices prior to arriving on campus. G A M E D AY O P E R AT I O N S 2 0 2 0 C L E M S O N FO OT BA L L STADIUM ENTRY/GATESENTRY LINES Proper line spacing and queuing will be utilized. CLICK HERE TO LEARN SURFACES & EQUIPMENT All surfaces and equipment will be wiped down and disinfected throughout the day. EVENT STAFF Stadium event staff will wear face coverings and gloves (where necessary). CLEAR BAG POLICY Clear bag policy is still in effect. Keep phone and keys in pockets for metal detectors. ENTRY TIMES Each ticket holder assigned a block of time to enter the stadium. ENTRY GATES Stadium entry gates designated based on seating location (exception for accessible seating). FACE COVERINGS Face coverings required at entrance gates and inside Memorial Stadium. MOBILE TICKETS All mobile tickets for 2020. Fans should download tickets to their mobile devices prior to arriving on campus. 2 0 2 0 C L E M S O N FO OT BA L L STADIUM ENTRY/GATESNext >